Tag: horticulture

Why do we always see purples and reds in plants, yet rarely blue?

We often see pinks and purples in nature, but why is the color blue so rare?

Winter is here and it makes me miss the vibrant colors of spring, summer, and fall. I personally LOVE yellow. I love Sunflowers, Coreopsis, Daisies, Goldfinches, and Blue-Ringed Octopus. I’m not super picky though. I just love color! I love Butterfly Weed, Zinnia, Hibiscus, Purple Beautyberry, Cuttlefish, Common Sea Dragons, Giraffes… the list can go …

Plants Make People Happy – Science or Opinion?

All I wanted was a puppy… REALLY BADLY. I wanted a cute little fuzz friend to vent to and care for. But alas, no puppy for me. Instead, I came home from my parent’s house one day with a plant that my father propagated for me. Soon, that one plant turned into three plants, which …

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