Kenya 2021

In April 2021, I had the honor to photograph Kenyan culture, life, and ecosystem as part of a Snapshot project for a non-profit that works to support pastors, churches, and the people in countries around the world (such as Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Kenya)! This was the same organization that hosted the multinational conference in Dubai in 2020. While in Kenya, I was able to photograph wildlife and rural communities in the Maasai Mara, town-life in the Nyaketch/Lake Victoria region, and then the difficulties of city life in the Nairobi slums of Kibera. Everyday life included interactions with the natural world, including wildlife and plants, difficulties in finding clean water, finding quality education, and navigating negotiations and obtaining resources in the numerous roadside shops!

Stay tuned for three upcoming blog posts going into more detail about the trip: “Human Empowerment & It’s Impact on the Environment in Kenya”, “Endangered Species of Kenya,” and “The Importance & Function of Plants in Kenya.”

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