Tag: bird your world

Explore the World of Birds this Winter

For myself, I find that as the summer turns into fall and the fall gives way to winter, my photography switches from primarily pollinators and lush green plants to the textures of dying flower seed heads and birds! Birds hang around my garden, flit through the tree farm in my backyard, and of course the …

National Geographic Educator Certification

For a while  now, it has been my super unrealistic goal of becoming a National Geographic Photographer. While I am competing with so many extremely talented photographers all over the world who have access to more “interesting” subjects, better equipment, and have more experience, you gotta have goals, right? Much to my surprise and delight, …

Beautifully Built Bird Beaks & Bills

You have a bird feeder out in your back yard, but you notice that not all of the birds you have seen are visiting it – Why might that be? Well, one answer might be that not all birds are designed to eat the same foods. By looking at the bird’s beak or bill, you …


Peacocks are one of the most easily identifiable birds with their bright and flamboyant plumage. Protecting all species, even the small, less colorful ones are just as important as protecting the "pretty" ones we love!

Did you know that by 2050, roughly ⅓ of all bird species might be extinct? Protecting these animals is important if we want to not only keep these wonderful birds around for future generations to enjoy, but also to keep healthy ecosystems! Migratory Bird Treaty Act & Protections Fortunately, 100 years ago, one of the …