Tag: winter

Role of Snow Melt in Healthy Ecosystems

By mid-February, I am 100% done with winter weather and am ready for spring sunshine! Thanks to climate change I hear the birds starting to sing and witness the return of the migratory Red-Winged Blackbird in late-February to early March. There have been several days above 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and the snow, if we got …

Explore the World of Birds this Winter

For myself, I find that as the summer turns into fall and the fall gives way to winter, my photography switches from primarily pollinators and lush green plants to the textures of dying flower seed heads and birds! Birds hang around my garden, flit through the tree farm in my backyard, and of course the …

Evergreens in the Winter Landscape

As the vibrant fall foliage fades and the trees are left bare, a certain type of tree stands out amongst the gangly, naked maples and oaks – Evergreens! The greens and blues of their needles provide a welcome burst of color in a now grey and brown world. Other than just providing a welcome splash …

Prevent the Winter Blues with Indoor Gardening

As an avid gardener who loves nothing more than to stick my hands in the warm soil and making sure that the plants provide a great space for wildlife, I have SUCH a hard time in the winter! I’ve overwintered my perennials, spread out leaves, and keep a careful eye out for little buds to …

Keeping our Feathered Friends Happy – Especially in the Winter

Birds are amazing – and if you read my previous winter bird blog, you’ll know that birds can definitely take care of themselves, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t feed them and give them a little help! After all, just because I can cook for myself and know how to grow a veggie garden …

Keep your garden happy all year long by overwintering!

If you’re a gardener, you understand how much time and effort you put into your plants and hate seeing it go to waste come winter! Fortunately, there are ways to keep your beauties alive, even if they’re not winter hardy! The best way to keep your tender garden plants alive is to bring them inside. …

Burn Through Snow – What Flowers Can Do that We Wish We Could Too!

Galanthus nivalis is a beautiful snow-burning plant that is a wonderful herald of spring!

About this time (maybe even earlier!) each year, I start missing the sunshine and heat like crazy! Fortunately, nature’s got my back and I can get my “spring fix” even during the last dreary winter days. A few flowers get tired of the grey like I do and do something about it; they heat up …

It’s Winter. What is still growing beneath our feet?

Fungi in Winter Typically, we think of winter as a time for plants and animals to go dormant and settle down. Really there are hundreds of thousands of organisms growing during these cold, wet, dreary months! During the winter, we can go out and see so many different types of (drum roll, please…) – FUNGUS! …

How do tiny birds survive the cold winter?

Cardinals need to eat a lot of fatty seeds in order to stay warm all winter!

We always think of birds as migrating south for the winter (wish I could too!), but obviously, some birds do stick around. There are many bird adaptations to the cold to allow them to stick around chilly Pennsylvania! How do Birds Adapt to the Cold? Birds adapt in many ways that are similar to humans. …