Tag: green living

Challenge Yourself to a #PlasticFreeJuly (or whenever – really!)

We all have heard of (hopefully!) the #SkipTheStraw campaign and about several bans on plastic grocery bags, but there is more to reducing plastic waste than just straws, bags, and bottles! So, why should we reduce plastic use? After all, plastic is SUPER convenient! Have you heard of the Great Pacific Garbage patch? This floating …

An Edible Flower Garden and it’s Health Benefits

In this dreary February weather, I start looking forward to spring and summer along with all of the life it brings. The sun takes noticeably longer to set, the weather may be warmer, and already my tulips and hyacinth bulbs are putting out new little sprouts! I am so excited for gardening season as many …

Keep your garden happy all year long by overwintering!

If you’re a gardener, you understand how much time and effort you put into your plants and hate seeing it go to waste come winter! Fortunately, there are ways to keep your beauties alive, even if they’re not winter hardy! The best way to keep your tender garden plants alive is to bring them inside. …

How often do you bathe…. forest bathe?

Have you ever bathed in sunlight? Doesn’t it make you feel great, no matter your previous mood? There’s actually a scientific reason for this improved mood – spending time outside in nature is proven to increase general health and well-being; physically and mentally! For years, the Japanese have been studying the effects that nature has …