Tag: recipes

Coffee Ice Cream, but without the Coffee Beans!

Caffeine, while very helpful to wake people up in the morning, however when used in excess, it can have some pretty harmful side effects. Personally, caffeine doesn’t impact me the way it does for most people (a blessing and a curse since I can enjoy a cup of coffee at night, but can’t use it …

Eco Spring Recipes to Inspire You

spring recipes foraging sample

Spring is here! The trees have beautiful green leaves again, animal babies such as goslings, fawns, and squirrels are about. Early pollinators such as Carpenter & Honey Bees are out in full force examining the early blooms. So what’s available for us foragers? Spring is a great time to take advantage of the colorful wildflowers …

Eco Winter Recipes to Inspire You

Winter is here! The trees have lost their leaves, small mammals are eating their caches of black walnuts and acorns, and the birds are picking away at the last of the sumac and crabapples. So what’s left for us foragers? Winter is the perfect time to take advantage of the many edible coniferous trees and …

Autumn Eco-Recipes to Inspire You

We are definitely starting to feel that Autumn is fully upon us, and this season is ripe for foragers! Fortunately, there are so many things to search for out there and use in our cooking. When we forage for and create eco-recipes for our meals, snacks, and drinks directly from nature, we have such control …