Tag: Animals

Butterflies: How to Add Extra Color to Your Garden

Gardening season is upon us! I for one absolutely love having as much color surrounding me as possible, so naturally, I plant a variety of vividly colored flowering plants, but why stop there? Why not garden for vividly colored wildlife as well? Butterflies, even the caterpillars, are vital parts of the ecosystem and making your …

How much water is ACTUALLY available for our use?

It’s nearing summer and a lot of us are thinking about making our gardens beautiful, bbq-ing, and heading to the beach or pool! What do these all have to do with nature? They all consume an extraordinary amount of water – something that is a valuable resource! Yes, water naturally recycles itself through the water …

Of Being a Christian AND Scientist – A look at God’s hand in nature.

As a Christian, I find God’s creation absolutely amazing. In fact, this is why I started my studies in biology and science in the first place and guess what – I can see God’s hand at work in all of nature, life, and yes, science. In Job 38-39, God humbles Job by explaining to Job …

It’s finally Gardening season – Make it pollinator friendly!

This hummingbird moth is one of many species that absolutely loves the native flowers here in PA! It particularly enjoys this Bee Balm flower.

If you’re into gardening or just being out in nature, chances are, you enjoy flowers! Their vibrant colors, textured foliage and sweet fragrances are pleasing. In fact, it’s not just flowers that you like by many other plants including fruits and vegetables! Without pollinators like birds, bats, bees, butterflies, moths and other insects, these beautiful, …

Snakes – Maybe not your cup of tea, but SUPER important!

Snakes need love too! Show them that you care by building a snake hibernaculum in your back yard! They will thank you for it by chasing away all of your rodent pests!

Snakes are wonderful for so many reasons! I can see it, some of you are thrilled by this and others…. not so much, but yes – snakes are good, even if they’re not your cup of tea. Snakes don’t have to be your favorite animal for you to realize that they play a vital role …

To Rescue or not to Rescue? That is the question…

Great Horned Owl we rescued this winter in Bucks County. Unfortunately, it didn't survive, but it was a great learning experience!

If you’re reading this chances are you love animals! Me too! However, as animal lovers, we need to know how to best protect and care for them, especially in the wild. Short Answer This question “To rescue or not,” is a difficult one to answer. Short answer –  if it’s human caused (ex. A bird …


Peacocks are one of the most easily identifiable birds with their bright and flamboyant plumage. Protecting all species, even the small, less colorful ones are just as important as protecting the "pretty" ones we love!

Did you know that by 2050, roughly ⅓ of all bird species might be extinct? Protecting these animals is important if we want to not only keep these wonderful birds around for future generations to enjoy, but also to keep healthy ecosystems! Migratory Bird Treaty Act & Protections Fortunately, 100 years ago, one of the …

“There’s ALWAYS Evidence.” Especially with Mammals.

One of the things I remember my father saying the most when I was a child was – “There’s always evidence!” This was typically said because I would wonder how he knew that I didn’t do a certain chore, but it definitely applies in the ecology world too. Mammals are among some of my favorite …

Owls – More than just cute, fluffy birdies!

Owls are more than just cute balls of feathers! They play an important part in our ecosystem!

Right now there is a trend in “owl-love”. People think they’re so cute and decorate everything from paper-products, to clothes, to wall art with rather cartoony looking owls. Is there anything wrong with that – NO! Owls definitely are super cute, but they are so much more than just fluffy balls of feathers. They are …

How do tiny birds survive the cold winter?

Cardinals need to eat a lot of fatty seeds in order to stay warm all winter!

We always think of birds as migrating south for the winter (wish I could too!), but obviously, some birds do stick around. There are many bird adaptations to the cold to allow them to stick around chilly Pennsylvania! How do Birds Adapt to the Cold? Birds adapt in many ways that are similar to humans. …